Engagement programmes and events
Cicatrix is a multi media project with many access points for the audience to connect and participate. Long and short term engagement elements have taken place with people of all ages and abilities. The initial phase of the project began with an exhibition at the Young Gallery, Salisbury, where members of the general public were encouraged to come and exchange 'mini sculptures' in Henny Burnett's interactive installation, 100 Towers. This has continued throughout the exhibitions with workshops, talks and Q&A events also allowing for debate and discussion at many levels.
Morning Star Salisbury Charity for the homeless
A longer term project over a number of weeks was held in the New Life rehabilitation centre, involving a small group of residents rebuilding their lives after homelessness and addiction. The work produced by participants was then exhibited at The Young Gallery, Salisbury and a tea and chat event held with the curatorial staff of the gallery.
Artlift GP Surgery Groups
Two Artlift groups (art on prescription) from Salisbury GP surgeries met at Catherine Farish's exhibition at Salisbury Arts Centre for tea, chat and an introduction to the Cicatrix project through the exhibited work and a hands on experience of Prudence Maltby's book of 'scar' drawings which form the catalyst for the Cicatrix project.